Save the Date!

The next Business Contacts takes place on May 24, 2024 statt.

Any questions?

Gegen den Sturm. Transformation in rauen Zeiten. - A Workshop with nexpert

How do companies navigate safely through current (and future) crises? In light of what is happening in the world, this seems to be an impossible task. The experts at nexpert face this challenge every day.

Get to know the daily challenges of a consultant at nexpert using a real-life case. Research the causes of crises together with them, discuss new risks in the market and find solutions together. You can expect a mix of method training, keynote speeches and group work.

Afterwards, you won't be heading out to sea, but at least you'll be on the water. Over a relaxed drink, you can discuss further with the experts from nexpert and clarify your questions about starting and everyday life at nexpert.

Event information

  • Thursday, 04.05.2023
  • 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
  • ULB 201, Krummer Timpen 5, 48143 Münster
  • Bewerbungsfrist: 23.04.2023


If you would like to take part in the event "Gegen den Sturm. Transformation in rauen Zeiten. - A Workshop with nexpert", you must register in advance. Please fill out the registration form. The number of participants is limited to 20.

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