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The next Business Contacts takes place on May 24, 2024 statt.

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Der Wirtschaftskriminalität auf der Spur – A Workshop with KPMG

White-collar crime - a term we've all heard before. But what can actually be done about it and how do companies like KPMG go about investigating and preventing it?

KPMG invites you to find out and introduces you to the working methods in the Forensic department. Together with other students and KPMG experts, you will get to know real-life case studies. Learn more about the work of Forensic Investigations and strengthen your analytical skills.

Event information

  • Tuesday, 25.04.2023
  • 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
  • ULB 101, Krummer Timpen 5, 48143 Münster
  • 18.04.2023


If you would like to take part in the event "Der Wirtschaftskriminalität auf der Spur – A Workshop with KPMG", you must register in advance. Please fill out the registration form. The number of participants is limited to 25.

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